Eat Walnuts Daily and Improve Cholesterol Profile in Persons with Type II Diabetes
Monday, August 02, 2010 by: Deanna Dean, citizen journalistSee all articles by this author
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Previous studies have demonstrated that walnuts promote heart health in healthy adults, but few of those studies have focused on diabetes.
"The research team found that endothelial function improved significantly when people consumed the walnut-enriched diet for 8 weeks, compared to when they followed their normal diets. We were very gratified by these findings," said Dr. David Katz, Yale University School of Medicine and principal investigator. "We all know the adage about 'an apple a day,' but in fact there are other foods that people should consider adding to their daily diets for specific health benefit. Walnuts rank high on that list."
Dr Katz goes on to say, "There are tens of millions of diabetics in the U.S. right now, and unfortunately, that number will rise rather steeply for the foreseeable future. Identifying simple, accessible, and even enjoyable lifestyle practices that can mitigate the potential harms of diabetes is of clear public health importance."
In another study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 55 participants with type 2 diabetes were put on low fat diets. The only group to achieve a cardioprotective fat profile was the one that ate walnuts every day.
Additional research has confirmed that when walnuts are eaten as part of a low-fat diet, the results show more heart protection for diabetic patients than can be achieved by simply lowering the fat content of the diet.
Weight gain and diabetes are a dangerous equation, so the extra 350 calories from two ounces of walnuts every day could have been problematic for the Yale study participants. However due to daily diet counseling and guidance the group did not gain weight, indicating that even for people for whom weight gain is a risk to their health, walnuts can be a part of a healthy diet.
Your healthmate,
Deanna Dean
Reposted From NaturalNews