Friday, October 15, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

Vitamin C and Pomegranate Effectively Prevent and Treat Heart Disease

Friday, October 15, 2010 by: John Phillip, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) Heart disease claims the lives of nearly 900,000 Americans each year, caused largely by a diet of processed junk food, excess calories, obesity and smoking. Many people are under the false impression that heart disease is inevitable and once diagnosed it can only be controlled by a low fat diet and a cocktail of prescription drugs. This belief has been fostered by a medical profession that makes huge profits by perpetuating patients in a never ending cycle of disease progression. Nature has provided powerful tools that can effectively prevent and treat heart disease by correcting the root cause of the affliction.

Inflammation Initiates Heart Disease
Systemic inflammation is one of the primary metabolic processes underlying heart disease as it causes instability in the delicate inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. Chronic inflammation causes elevated blood levels of C-reactive protein and studies have shown that the protein is an important marker for heart disease risk.

The flames of inflammation are fanned by a processed diet high in hydrogenated fats and refined carbohydrates. This in turn generates excess triglycerides and oxidized LDL cholesterol in the blood and promotes fat storage in the adipocytes around the abdomen. Metabolically active fat cells secrete chemical messengers known as cytokines, C-reactive protein and the hormone cortisol. This is a protective action evolved by our body to handle short term damage and stress that becomes destructive when levels are chronically elevated.

Vitamin C Lowers Inflammation Markers
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient known to prevent scurvy. Evolutionary scientists know that in our distant past, we were able to synthesize the vitamin internally but lost the capability likely due to plentiful supply from our diet. The importance of vitamin C to our health was highlighted by the work of Nobel Prize winning researcher Linus Pauling, who showed that the nutrient could be combined with the amino acids lysine and proline to create a powerful agent capable of removing arterial plaque.

The results of a study conducted by the University of California Berkeley and published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine demonstrate the power of vitamin C to lower inflammation by moderating levels of C-reactive protein. Study participants supplemented with 1000 mg a day of vitamin C and were able to reduce C-reactive protein levels by 34%. Vitamin C provides a significant reduction in C-reactive protein levels that translate to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.

Pomegranate Improves Blood Flow to the Heart
Blood flow to the heart becomes slowly constricted over time as our arteries stiffen and become thicker; this is due to increased blood pressure and metabolic imbalance from high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Arterial hardening is recognized as a significant cause of heart disease as the muscles that line the endothelial wall constrict, meaning the heart has to pump harder to force blood to all parts of the body. Eventually hardened arteries lead to heart failure and death.

Pomegranate has been shown to reverse the signs of arterial stiffening as it relaxes the endothelial muscles that control blood flow to the heart. The results of a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition show that after 3 months of supplementation with pomegranate extract, arterial wall thickness decreased by 35% and dangerous LDL cholesterol oxidation was reduced by 90%.

Nature has provided us with powerful nutrients which we can use to prevent the ravages of heart disease. Combined with proper diet and physical activity, vitamin C and pomegranate can help us to live long and productive lives.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss, Good Health and a Long Life

Thursday, October 14, 2010 by: Margie King, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) According to an Irish proverb, a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. As far as sleep goes, that may just be true according to three recent studies concluding that good sleeping habits may promote weight loss, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and increase longevity.

In the first study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that although dieters lost the same amount of weight whether they had adequate sleep or not, those who got a full night's sleep lost 55% more body fat than those who cut back on sleep.

The small study followed 10 overweight volunteers on a carefully controlled diet of 1,450 calories for one month. Each participant slept for an average of 7 hours and 25 minutes for two weeks and then 5 hours and 14 minutes for two weeks. When the dieters got two to three hours less sleep, they felt hungrier and produced higher levels of the hormone ghrelin which triggers hunger, increases fat retention and reduces energy expenditures. The result was that they lost more lean body mass than fat.

The researchers believe that had they not been on a strict calorie regimen, the participants would likely have lost less weight, as well as less body fat, during the time they slept less.

In another study published in the Annals of Epidemiology, researchers looked at six years of data from 1,455 people and concluded that those who sleep less than six hours a night may be three times more likely to develop incident-impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG), a pre-diabetic state, compared to those who sleep six to eight hours.

The authors believe their study confirms that sleep quantity and quality are strong predictors of type 2 diabetes, strokes and heart attacks.

Finally, a third study published in Sleep Medicine suggests that the secret to a long life may come with more than five hours of sleep per night but less than eight hours. Looking at data from 459 women from the Women's Health Initiative, researchers found that the best survival rates were enjoyed by women who slept 5 to 6.5 hours.

The message from these studies is clear. The quantity and quality of your sleep can powerfully affect your weight and your risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as your lifespan.

To insure that you are getting enough good quality sleep, here are seven natural tips for a restful night without prescription sleep aids:

1. Be in bed by 9:30 pm and lights out by 10:30 pm at the latest.

2. Don't drink or eat anything after 7:30 pm so that your sleep is not disturbed by bathroom visits.

3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

4. Make your bedroom a sanctuary with no television, computer or briefcase allowed.

5. Keep your bedroom dark to get a better, deeper sleep.

6. Don't overheat your room and open a window if possible.

7. Relax for an hour or two before bed without work or watching TV.

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A Repost From Reader's Digest Magazine

5 Drinks That Help You Calm Down

Stressful day? Don't reach for a candy bar. Try one of these soothing liquids instead.

© Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Thinkstock

© Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Thinkstock

1. Drink a glass of milk.
It contains tryptophan, which as it is metabolized is converted to mood-boosting serotonin. Plus, its calcium, magnesium and potassium content may help keep blood pressure down.

2. Drink hot cocoa. Warm drinks raise your body temperature—a feeling we associate with comfort, so it triggers a similar response in our brains.

3. Order black tea instead of coffee. A study by University College London shows that drinking black tea four times a day for six weeks lowered the stress hormone cortisol after a stressful event.

4. Drink green tea—packed with theanine, which increases the brain’s output of relaxation-inducing alpha waves and reduces the output of tension-making beta waves.

5. Drink a glass of cold water, then go for a walk outside. The water gets your blood moving and the air invigorates by stimulating the endorphins that de-stress you.

See 6 healthy foods that help you calm down.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

Pumpkins Remedy Seasonal Ailments

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 by: Melissa Sokulski, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) In Traditional Chinese Medicine, autumn is represented by the metal element, which corresponds to the Lungs and Large Intestine. Weakness in this element shows up as ailments in the Lung and Intestines: allergies, asthma and constipation. The remedy can be found in this season's most notable food: the pumpkin or squash.

The pumpkin is round, orange and sweet. It corresponds to the earth element in the five element cycle. Earth is the mother of metal. In Chinese medicine there is a saying: when there is weakness in the child (in this case metal: lungs and large intestine), nourish the mother (in this case earth.)

Weakness in the lungs will show up as:

  • allergies
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia

Because the lungs open onto the skin, one may also see acne, eczema and psoriasis. The paired organ to the Lungs is the Colon, so weakness here will show up as constipation, diarrhea, or IBS.

In Chinese medicine, the pumpkin is known to relieve damp conditions such as dysentery and eczema. It promotes discharge of mucus from the lungs, bronchi and throat, easing bronchial asthma. (1)

Not only does the flesh of the pumpkin benefit the Lungs and Large Intestine, the seeds are especially good for the intestines, easing constipation and acting as a parasite cleanse. Known as nan gua zi, pumpkin seeds are especially known to alleviate tapeworm and roundworm. For this purpose pumpkin seeds are taken by boiling into a strong tea known as a decoction or grinding into a powder to be taken with water.

Nutritionally, pumpkins are high in beta carotene which is converted by the body to vitamin A. Beta carotene protects the mucous membranes of the body and has been shown to protect both the lungs and large intestine against cancer. (2)

Soup is an excellent way to nourish the body this time of year. The following soup can be made with pumpkin or any kind of yellow winter squash. Make sure to save and wash the seeds, which can then be salted and baked at 350 degrees until dry.

Nourishing Pumpkin Soup

  • 1 pumpkin or squash, halved, seeded, and baked face down on baking sheet at 350 until soft (1/2 hour to an hour depending on thickness of squash.)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 6 cups water

  1. In soup pot, saute onions, garlic and carrots in olive oil until softened.
  2. Add water, flesh of the squash scraped from the skin, maple syrup, salt and pepper and mix well.
  3. Bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool and blend until smooth.
  5. Reheat and serve.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

Even animals and insects recognize the healing power of medicinal plants

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) While mainstream medicine largely continues to deny the inherent healing capacity of natural plants and herbs, the insect world is abuzz with activities that confirm the plant world to be nature's medicine cabinet. According to a new study published in the journal Ecology Letters, the Monarch butterfly routinely uses medicinal plants to help its offspring resist disease and infection.

Researchers observed that Monarch butterflies prefer to lay their egg larvae on milkweed leaves, so they decided to investigate why this is the case. They discovered that milkweed plants contain vital compounds that help the larvae to stay healthy.

"We have shown that some species of milkweed, the larva's food plants, can reduce parasite infection in monarchs," explained Jaap de Roode, an evolutionary biologist at Emory University, and author of the study. "[W]e have also found that infected female butterflies prefer to lay their eggs on plants that will make their offspring less sick."

There are many types of milkweed plants, and some contain very high levels of cardenolides. Cardenolides are toxic to predators, but safe for Monarch butterflies. So when Monarch butterflies eat milkweed rich in the chemical, or lay their larvae on it, they build up a natural resistance to invading predators. The same chemical also helps to stop parasites that can develop in the butterflies' intestines and kill them.

Mark Hunter, a chemical ecologist from the University of Michigan who collaborated with the research team on the study, believes that the findings hold promising implications for humans as well.

"When I walk around outside, I think of the plants I see as a great, green pharmacy," he said. "But what also strikes me is how little we actually know about what that pharmacy has to offer. Studying organisms engaged in self-medication gives us a clue as to what compounds might be worth investigating for their potential as human medicines."

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A Repost From Andrew Kim of NaturalNews

A Primer on Acne: Natural and Holistic Strategies Prevent Eruptions

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by: Andrew Kim, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) The consensus in the dermatological community is that acne is largely a genetic disorder and that diet has little to no effect on the development of the condition. A literature search shows that the irrefutable beliefs held by dermatologists are based on a collection of studies that are inconclusive at best. The pathology of acne is well understood. Unsurprisingly though, the medical establishment is unaware of (or dismissive towards) the power of natural methods and diet to prevent, modify, and cure the condition. Instead, they choose to focus on using drugs that down regulate, inhibit, or kill rather than work with and restore balance back to the body.

Acne is a disorder of EXCESSIVE GROWTH and INFLAMMATION, which is driven by hormonal changes.

1. The formation of acne begins in the hair follicle, with over proliferation and adhesion of epidermal cells called keratinocytes (dead surface skin cells). This process is driven by a growth factor (EGF) and a cytokine (IL-1).
2. An over active sebaceous gland empties sebum into the follicle, which mixes with the dead skin cells. This sticky mass inhibits normal skin exfoliation and creates a clogged pore (microcomedone).
3. Impaction and bacterial infiltration creates oxidative stress and the follicle eventually bursts, releasing its contents. Inflammation ensues and becomes visible in and around the clog. The lesion is now called a papule, pustule, or cyst.

Insulin influences every step in the formation of acne directly and indirectly.

1. First, insulin frees up IGF-1 and EGF, which are incredible promoters of growth. IGF-1 acts on and stimulates keratinocyte proliferation. It also decreases IGFBP-3, which regulates IGF-1, and acts on RXR to normalize cell growth. High insulin levels are also linked to chronic inflammation, triggering the release of IL-1 that starts the whole process.
2. Insulin increases sebum production in two ways: by stimulating androgen release in the testes and ovaries and by decreasing SHBG, which normally binds sex hormones in the bloodstream, regulating its availability to cells.
3. Insulin worsens acne by diverting essential fatty acid (EFA) derived eicosanoid production towards inflammation.


1. Diet
- Choose low-glycemic load , anti-inflammatory foods, which provoke less insulin, growth factor release, androgen production, and inflammation. These changes normalize follicular cell proliferation and reduce sebum.
- Avoid inflammatory foods like trans-fats, refined vegetable oils, grain-fed meats, and refined carbohydrates.
- Minimize inflammation by consuming foods rich in omega-3s and reducing Arachidonic acid (AA).

2. Lifestyle
- Increase quality and quantity of sleep. Inadequate sleep increases inflammation, stress, weight gain, and cortisol production. Cortisol may contribute to acne flare-ups by elevating blood sugar and stimulating the sebaceous glands, much like the androgens.
- Negative emotions and stress are linked to increased production of inflammatory cytokines. Stress also increases the production of cortisol.
- Chronic stress depresses the adrenal glands over time and leads to hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism decreases SHBG, freeing up the androgens that increase sebum.

3. Supplements
- Vitamin D3: Regulates proper skin cell formation and modulates the inflammatory response.
- Alpha linolenic acid (ALA): Flooding the body with ALA reduces inflammation by outcompeting AA for delta-5-desaturase. Reducing AA, insulin surges, and boosting ALA will divert EFA production towards anti-inflammatory mediators.
- Methylsulfonylmethane
- N-acetyl cysteine: precursor to glutathione; prevents oxidative damage and inflammation and enhances Vitamins C and E.

Acne may have a genetic component, but as with most other diseases, the expression and severity of acne is influenced by lifestyle factors that are well within our control. Until dermatologists recognize the potential for natural, holistic solutions to modify the hormonal and inflammatory changes that cause acne, long-term success with conventional therapies will be elusive.

Author's note: the supplements listed above are neither comprehensive nor all the supplements necessary for everyone. Rather, it is a starting list worthy of consideration based on research.

1."Implications for the Role of Diet in Acne" (Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, 2005).
2."Dietary Implications for the Development of Acne: A Shifting Paradigm" (US Dermatology Review, 2006).
3."Acne Vulgaris" (Archives of Dermatology, 2002).
4."Vitamin D analogs: mechanism of action and therapeutic potential" (Nagpal S, Boehm MF).
5."Noncalcemic actions of vitamin d receptor ligands" (Nagpal S, Rathnchalam R).
6."The vitamin D pathway: a new target for control of the skin's immune response?" (Experimental Dermatology, June 2008).
7."Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of Skin Disease" (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2006).

About the author

Andrew Kim

Reposted From Andrew Kim of NaturalNews

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

Chinese mushroom found to have powerful anti-aging benefits

Monday, October 11, 2010 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) The cordyceps mushroom is back in the spotlight again, except this time for its anti-aging properties. Researchers from Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., and LifeGen Technologies have found that Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4), a traditional Chinese mushroom, is a powerful anti-aging food with the ability to improve energy metabolism, decrease fatigue, bolster endurance levels and lengthen lifespan.

Back in March, NaturalNews covered breakthrough research on the power of cordyceps to treat cancer (, but the new research has found even more beneficial uses for this emerging superfood. By encouraging human genes to express in ways that promote longevity, cordyceps has incredible potential in helping to reverse the negative effects of aging.

"We're making great breakthroughs in gene expression science that have application in the fields of health and longevity," explained Joe Chang, Ph.D., chief scientific officer and executive vice president of development at Nu Skin. "These studies ... help validate the critical role gene expression modulation plays in the aging process. We believe that the future of anti-aging is in developing consumer solutions that support youthful gene expression."

In tests, cordyceps successfully altered the expression of certain gene clusters that typically begin to slow down their production of cellular mitochondria around the age of 30. The mushroom's compounds sparked them back to youthful production levels.

Other results included a demonstrated lengthening of the maximal and average lifespans of the populations on whom the mushroom was tested, as well as significant increase in antioxidant activity that reduced oxidative damage from free radicals.

Presented at the recent Oxygen Club of California 2010 World Congress, the two studies received the renowned DSL Nutraceutical Research Award.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Repost From NaturalNews

B vitamins cut risk of lung cancer by 50 percent

Saturday, October 09, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) A higher daily intake of B vitamins may decrease lung cancer risk, according to a study conducted by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Researchers followed 400,000 people from 10 European countries for eight years. At the end of the study period, they found that regardless of whether participants were smokers, non-smokers or former smokers, those with the highest blood levels of vitamin B6 and the amino acid methionine were 50 percent less likely to develop lung cancer than those with the lowest levels.

Because the study only examined a correlation, it did not prove that a higher intake of B vitamins was directly responsible for cancer risk. It is possible that both B vitamin levels and lower cancer risk are caused by some third factor, such as a healthy lifestyle.

"Although this study suggests a link between vitamin B levels in the blood and reduced risk of lung cancer, this doesn't prove that vitamin B can directly protect against the disease," said Joanna Owens of Cancer Research UK. "Vitamin B levels might be higher in people who eat a healthy diet, and this in itself can help reduce the risk of cancer. The most important way to prevent lung cancer is to stop smoking. No amount of vitamins can counteract the risks posed by smoking."

If B vitamins are indeed found to be protective against cancer, they could eventually be used to help lower cancer risk in former smokers and in those trying to quit.

"These findings are really exciting as they are important for understanding the process of lung cancer and could have implications for prevention," said Panagiota Mitrou of the World Cancer Research Fund, which was involved in the research. "But ... it is vital that we get the message across to smokers that increasing intake of B vitamins is not - and never will be - a substitute for stopping smoking."

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